While Russia, which started the war, massively disassembles its icebreakers, Ukraine, even in the conditions of a large-scale war, uses its own icebreaker to create world science. The first results…
Category: News
The warmest winter in the Vernadsky station area – the average temperature has only slightly exceeded -2 °C
This year, the winter in the Vernadsky station area has become the warmest for the entire time of observations in this region! The average air temperature for the winter is…
How and why do Ukrainian polar explorers launch radiosondes?
In April of this year, for the first time in the history of Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions, our meteorologists at Vernadsky began continuous research of the atmosphere with the help of…
New antennas are being installed at Vernadsky to better study the ionosphere
For almost three decades Ukrainian scientists have been exploring geospace, that is, near-Earth space at Akademik Vernadsky station. One of the widely used methods of geospace research in the world…
NASC has developed a Gazetteer standardizing geographical names in Vernadsky station area
NASC employees have developed the Gazetteer of Geographical Names of the Argentine Islands – the Kyiv Peninsula region (West Antarctica). This interesting and useful Gazetteer is dedicated to standardization of…
25 Antarctic countries supported Ukraine and staged a démarche to the representative of the Russian Federation during the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
At the annual Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Berlin, Germany, 23 May – 01 June, 2022), the 25 participating countries expressed strong support to Ukraine in connection with Russia’s armed aggression…
RV Noosfera changed polish antarctic expedition shifts instead of russian vessel
The Ukrainian research ice-class vessel Noosfera changed the polar explorer’s shifts at Atrctowski Polish Antarctic station instead of the Russian vessel. This took place tonight Kyiv time. At the end…
The war didn't stop the roation at Vernadsky: the 27th expedition has accepted the station, and the 26th is going home!
Our victories on the Antarctic “front” go on! Even despite the war in Ukraine and still difficult logistics in the world because of COVID-19, the rotation of Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions…
New opportunities to explore the Arctic and Antarctica – NASC joined European polar board
The State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center became a member of the European Polar Board. This will give new opportunities to our scientists to study the Arctic and Antarctica, as…
RV Noosfera has reached Vernadsky
Our research ice-class vessel Noosfera has reached Antarctica and is already standing near Galindez Island, where the Ukrainian Akademik Vernadsky station is located (large vessels are not able to moor…