Our publications


Ukrainian Antarctic Journal (UAJ)

UAJ has been published since 2003 and is currently issued twice a year. The scope of this scientific journal encompasses over twenty research fields in connection with Earth’s polar and mountainous regions.

The articles are published in English and Ukrainian.

In 2019, the journal’s website was updated based on the OJS platform.

In 2019, UAJ articles started being represented in the Scopus database; since 2022, they have been indexed there.

UAJ Archive

UAJ LinkedIn Profile

Expedition XXI

First published in 2004, this is a popular science counterpart to the Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. Expedition XXI appeals to people interested in scientific and eco-tourism, history and geography buffs, adventurers, collectors, and amateurs of extreme sports.

Its online version was launched in 2018.

The Antarctic: six essays for people who want to know more

By Ivan Parnikoza, Denys Pishniak, Andrii Fedchuk, Serhii Kadurin, Hanna Yevchun, and Oleksandr Yarovyi

Edited by Evgen Dykyi, Oksana Pnyovska, Anna Torgonenko

It the first expansive popular science book about the Antarctic and Ukraine’s presence in the Antarctic published in Ukrainian. It was prepared by specialists from different fields working in the area.

The book includes most of what is currently known about the sixth continent ─ its geography, geology, plants, and animals. Special attention is paid to the history of Antarctic studies, conservation of its wonderful nature, and the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernasdsky station.

The richly illustrated book is aimed at a wider readership.

Cover image: a picture of the Argentine Islands where the Akademik Vernadsky station is situated ((c) Yuriy Shepeta)


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Chapter-by-chapter interactive e-book

The Gazetteer of Geographical Names of the Argentine Islands ─ the Kyiv Peninsula region (West Antarctica)

Edited by Andrii Fedchuk, Iryna Drohushevska, Hanna Yevchun, Valeria Savchenko, and Ivan Parnikoza

The handbook standardizes the (Ukrainian) geographical names of the region in which the yearly Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions take place (the Argentine Islands and the nearby islands of the Wilhelm Archipelago as well as the coastline of the Kyiv Peninsula in West Antarctica).

It is addressed to a wider specialist readership to unify the Ukrainian body of the Antarctic toponymy, to simplify the search for information for specific geographical objects, self-orienting during field studies, and preparing publications (including research papers).


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Ukraine invites for closer Antarctic cooperation​

Ukraine invites for closer Antarctic cooperation​

Atlas of the ​Antarctic deep structure​

​​​Atlas of the ​Antarctic deep structure with the Gravimetric Tomography​