The first Ukrainian doctoral dissertation in the field of biological Antarctic research

The first Ukrainian doctoral dissertation in the field of biological Antarctic research

Congratulations to Ivan Parnikoza, the Head of Biological Department of the National Antarctic Scientific Center, who has successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in specialty “Ecology”! Thesis: Ecological mechanisms of adaptation of Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. under changing climatic conditions of Antarctica. It is noteworthy that this is the first Doctoral thesis in Ukraine in the field of Antarctic biological research.

The work was performed on the basis of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Using an example of Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. Ivan Parnikoza has studied the survival mechanisms of higher vascular plants in Antarctica under conditions of global climate change. So, new data on molecular-genetic, cytogenetic, embryological mechanisms as well as adaptation mechanisms at the population level have been obtained. For the first time the concept of interaction of different adaptive mechanisms of higher vascular plants in extreme conditions of the “icy continent” was formulated.

The scientist has developed a methodological approach to determining the index of complex adaptability of Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv., which will become the basis for the introduction of background monitoring of climate change and anthropogenic impact in the area of Akademik Vernadsky station. In addition, I. Parnicosa’s research will be helpful in creating an Antarctic Special Protection Area in the entire Argentine Islands archipelago.


The developed approach is universal, and therefore it is suitable for introduction in Antarctic stations of other countries.

In general, the achieved scientific results are the concrete contribution of Ukraine to the implementation of the Antarctic Treaty. In particular, they will help planning of additional measures to reduce the environmental impact of Akademik Vernadsky station.