International projects International projects Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES) Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES) POLAr Research Infrastructure Network (POLARIN) POLAr Research Infrastructure Network (POLARIN) Ocean-Cryosphere Exchanges in Antarctica: Impacts on Climate and the Earth System (OCEAN:ICE) Ocean-Cryosphere Exchanges in Antarctica: Impacts on Climate and the Earth System (OCEAN:ICE) Unlocking the Hidden Treasures of Aquatic Extremophiles: sustainable development of industrially relevant novel active biomolecules (EXPLORA) Unlocking the Hidden Treasures of Aquatic Extremophiles: sustainable development of industrially relevant novel active biomolecules (EXPLORA) Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia (OPTIMA) Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia (OPTIMA)