Yesterday, January 3, 2025, the flagship of the Ukrainian research fleet RV Noosfera arrived at our Akademik Vernadsky station.
This is the first arrival of the vessel to Ukrainian station within the fourth Antarctic season, but in general several such arrivals are planned.
Captain Pavlo Panasyuk noted: “On the way to the station, we managed to successfully bypass all the cyclones, and even the Drake was not too stormy this time, the maximum wave height was 3-4 meters.”
The vessel delivered to Vernadsky a technical team, which is to carry out urgent work on modernization of the station, which was started even before the full-scale invasion. In particular, this season, the sewage system and lighting fixtures should be replaced, and the site for meteorological research should be expanded.
The RV Noosfera brought a lot of cargo to the station to carry out the works. Of course, there were some tasty surprises for our winterers. These are fresh fruits and vegetables, which the participants of the annual expedition have not seen for several months.
The ship is currently being unloaded (using motorboats), after which it will head to the Chilean port of Punta Arenas to continue its Antarctic mission. But we will talk about this later.
In the meantime, you can see the most interesting moments of the arrival of Noospfera in the photo.
Thanks to the captain and the crew for a good start of the fourth Antarctic season and we wish you favorable weather on the way to the mainland.
Photo: Pavlo Panasyuk, Anna Soina, Oleksandr Matsibura.