National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine

AMPS Ensemble weather forecast for "Vernadsky Station"

Initial time

The forecast is kindly provided for the Ukrainian Antarctic Station "Akademik Vernadsky" as part of the project Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System.

The forecast created by Polar WRF regional model. A global atmospheric model NCEP GEFS was used as input data for make an ensemble.


Powers, J. G., Manning, K. W., Bromwich, D. H., Cassano, J. J., & Cayette, A. M. (2012). A decade of Antarctic science support through AMPS. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93(11), 1699–1712.

Bromwich, D. H., Otieno, F. O., Hines, K. M., Manning, K. W., & Shilo, E. (2013). Comprehensive evaluation of polar weather research and forecasting model performance in the Antarctic. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(2), 274– 292.